Allentown Redbirds Baseball & Softball 2019 Picture Day

Easy as 1-2-3

Step 1: Select a convenient time to attend pictures PICTURE TIMES HERE! 4/8 4-8pm - 4/9&10  5-8pm. Those with reservations will be given priority. The picture reservation process has been extremely successful with the other Leagues we work with, it helps to ensure crowd control so that there is a reasonable wait.  This process works best when everyone participates in signing up for a convenient time in advance.

Step 2: Order online and view other purchase options PRE-ORDER HERE 

Step 3: Arrive 10 minutes early for pictures and show us your smiles! 

Are you ready for a unique picture experience? We use green screen where all of the pictures are individually shot and the team and organizational pictures are "created" without missing a player!  

  • SIGN UP FOR YOUR PICTURE TIME: Please begin by selecting a picture time.  We ask that you arrive a few minutes prior to your time and that you do your best to adhere to the time selected.  This helps ensure a quick process for everyone!
  • ALL PLAYERS SHOULD BE PHOTOGRAPHED: We would like the pictures to be representative of the entire organization.  There is no obligation to purchase and A La Carte ordering is available.  See how it comes out! Check out our Sample Gallery!
  • SELECTION & CHOICE: On Picture Day - Each player will choose their pose and let us do the rest! What you will get is an amazing unique keepsake picture.  There are many unique ways you can have your picture ordered in both fun and functional treasures.
  • DRESS IN UNIFORM: Please be picture ready and ensure that your players appearance is neat and tidy.  Pictures take only a few minutes! 
  • HOW YOU CAN HELP THE PROCESS:  If you preorder, it will allow for your child to get in and out quickly, as players are photographed INDIVIDUALLY.  To preorder use the link above.  Order forms were passed out with uniforms. If you choose you can also view the order forms here as well.
    • Please bring your online confirmation number the day of and provide it when checking in.
    • You can order the day of the shoot as well.  Preferred payment is cash/check payable to "Blue Sky Photography," credit cards are also accepted.    
  • COACHES: Be sure to get photographed with "your player" and receive a complimentary print. 
  • SIBLINGS: If you have multiple athletes, feel free to have a sibling pictures taken as well.
  • STILL HAVE QUESTIONS? Please call us any time! 609-528-7870

Thank you and we will see you soon!

Blue Sky Photography